February 6, 2020

State Of The Disunion

In 1992, before the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, developed nations were being called out on their obscene levels of consumption.

We know there are natural limits to our resources use. But how these limits are approached depends on lifestyle choices and levels of consumption, and these depend on what is considered as essential for human well being.

"The unsustainable consumption of the world's most developed economies must be urgently reduced," critics charged at the time. 

U.S. president at the time, George H.W. Bush, was having none of that. Striking back he famously declared,  

"The American way of life is not up for negotiation. Period." 

Now, 3 decades later, with reductions in our consumption needed more than ever, the current U.S. president's State Of The Disunion address let the world know that the unsustainable consumption would continue.

If it weren't such a negative message, you would have to admire how they stick to the same playbook regardless of who is in power - "Nothing will stop us in sating our enormous appetite for material things. Nothing."

The current line is that they have "rejected downsizing". This at at time when downsizing is needed more than ever.

Not only is the plan to not slow down, but to accelerate. The consumption will continue "at a pace unimaginable just a short time ago"

Full speed ahead... right into that iceberg. 

They have successfully fragmented everything from everything. The centre won't hold, they will see to that. 

Consumption and the environment are not separate issues. Each determines the state of the other. 

Who is left to look out for the people and the planet in this state of disunion? 

And just in case you believe the message of endless, pointless consumption for the masses, you may be disappointed. The downsizing of the 99% will continue unabated, while economic acceleration only enriches the already rich. 

That is what he really means.

There is no union in the Union. Or the U.N. Or anywhere. 


  1. Anonymous2/06/2020

    That quote from Bush is chilling, I hadn't heard it before. Almost as chilling as my government's 'coal is the future' statement.

    I am confident that natural disasters and pandemics will continue to happen at an accelerated rate until we reach the point when there will be no alternative other than to acknowledge that we are inextricably connected with nature and what we do to her comes right back at us.

    At the moment many are still expecting that 'someone' out there will solve our problems, but the penny is slowly dropping that we are all part of the problem, therefore all part of the solution. Shopping is just so yesterday!


    1. We can see how bold they have become. That is because they believe that they are going to get global domination this time around, and if we don't do anything, they WILL get it.

      They aren't even trying to hide their agenda any more, pushing it relentlessly in propaganda, lies, and alternative facts. It is an amazing thing to witness. We should have seen it coming since the 1980s at least. Or even the 1880s.

      But anything could happen. People could choose to stop supporting a corrupted system that is killing the planet. Judging from the worldwide protests in recent years, this has already begun. They should be supported. Solidarity manifests the power of the people.

      More music - less shopping!

  2. The mask of civility and dignity is off, isn't it. The program is completely on display. Great post!

  3. Anonymous2/07/2020

    Must admit, I can't listen to or read anything the president says. Just makes me sick to my stomach. There are no longer checks to balance things out. So incredibly disheartening and upsetting.

    But even with all the junk the president says, there are plenty of us striving to do our part to help the planet. There is a local journal here in Portland called Green Living with articles on "mindful living". Late last year they included an article called "Just Enough" and the artwork for the story was by Sarah Lazarovic, a Canadian blogger/artist focused on climate change. The article is here: https://www.greenlivingpdx.com/?s=sarah+lazarovic, with her "Buyerarchy of Needs" artwork - which I just love. Her blog is at mvp.ist (you can view the blog/newsletter without signing up).

    It's people like Sarah, and you Gregg, and everyone here at NBA that keep me from feeling totally discouraged. Thank you. Hopefully one day very soon the U.S. find a balanced center again.


    1. Mary, this blog keeps Linda and I hopeful, too. Mainstream media does not, except for some minor lip service, pay any head to simple living, for obvious reasons. It is up to us to spread the word, and share the goodness of a non-consumer lifestyle.

      I love the Buyerarchy of Needs, and how it plays after Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It is witty, and I wish I thought of it. That is a great article, and I especially liked this historical quote:

      “…..we – you and I, and our government – must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow. ” — – Dwight D. Eisenhow

      Plundering. People don't like it these days when you use words like that to describe what we are really doing. Plundering. Recommended reading. Thank you for sharing here.

  4. We are so consumer driven and it is hard to let go of old habits. No matter how hard I try I find myself getting sucking in sometimes, but I still try.

    1. Keep trying and success is assured. They spend one trillion dollars per year to suck us in, and all that money buys a lot of mind control. It can be hard to resist, but resist we must.


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