July 25, 2024

Singing The Praises of The Bicycle

“The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart.”

- Iris Murdoch

Could there be any greater merging of two more lovely things than bicycles and music?

In 1975, as a teen, I listened to the Scottish band Nazareth. One of my favourite songs of theirs was My White Bicycle

It was a song of freedom and rebellion, two things I was (and still am) very much into.

"My white bicycle, my white bicycle.
Riding all around the street 
Four o'clock and they're all asleep.
I'm not tired and it's so late 
Moving fast everything looks great." 

This song, originally recorded by the UK band Tomorrow in 1967, was inspired by the Dutch underground White Bicycle Project in 1964. 

They collected several hundred bikes, painted them white then left them around Amsterdam.

The white bikes could be used by anyone who needed a ride. 

Or just to feel free and rebellious.  

The bicycle as we know it today came about in 1885, and the first song that mentions bicycles that I could find was written in 1892. That would be Bicycle Built For Two, by British songwriter Harry Dacre.

There are many, many songs that celebrate bicycles. 

I do believe that is because the bicycle is a thing of simplicity, efficiency, and beauty. 

It may be the premier invention of all time.

Next to music, of course.

What a combo.

''The rain comes down but I don't care. 
The wind is blowing in my hair. 
Seagulls flying in the air.

My white bicycle.''


  1. Cycling is the only thing I dare to do by myself that is faster than walking. I never even had the guts to try a moped. Let alone drive a car. I remember the White bicycle plan well created by the 'provo's' in the Sixties. It wasn't a success of course because too anarchistic but the idea was never forgotten. I think it's still the base of many sharing vehicle programs all over the country.
    More recently a fairly affordable longer term rental bike plan called 'Swap bikes' was launched resulting in mostly students using more bicycles. Which is great but the result is crowded pavements blocking passage because there are simply not enough parking places especially in our larger cities.
    But of course I'm nothing without my bike and I favour it's use for everyone. Oh yeah and did yoy know our former prime minister Mark Rutte went to work in The Hague bu bike?

    1. Anonymous7/31/2024

      I think your country is more bike oriented than my own. I wonder if the Chinese miss their bicycles as they transition to motor vehicles. I really admired them for their bike usage back in the day before they went full on consumerism.

      - Gregg

  2. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wittefietsenplan#:~:text=Het%20wittefietsenplan%20was%20een%20plan,de%20stad%20geplaatst%20zouden%20worden.


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