When many people move their move is based on where they can get work. The actual location is secondary, if it is considered at all. Sacrifices are made for money. Living where one wants is usually saved until after retirement. Being a contrarian, when I last moved I based my move completely on location. I could worry about work later, but at least I would be where I wanted to be.
When Linda and I left Edmonton, Alberta we discussed the best case scenario for us: waterfront on the Pacific Ocean. It was a dream we did not expect to fulfill since house prices on the coast are completely stratospheric. But as we found out, there's more than one way to manifest your dreams.
After a few weeks of wandering, and living out of our truck, we found a condo to rent in Sooke, BC. It is in a waterfront location on the Pacific Ocean. We could not believe our good fortune. Nature and beauty are all around. So much so that we quit taking vacations. We have been away twice in five years and couldn't wait to get back home. This has saved us a great deal of money, and has simplified out lives. But what about work?
Linda found work in the public library, and through her job met many people from town. One day one of the patrons told Linda he needed some help with his grounds keeping company. And that is how I found work.
I always thought that if I moved to where I wanted to be, the work would follow. This is what has happened, and now instead of working in an institution with asbestos in the ceiling, I work out in the sun and fresh air. The best part is that I can walk to work in about 5 minutes. Much nicer than the 40 minute drive to school I had to do in the city.
Not that everything is perfect in NBA Land. Linda's work in the library was on a casual basis so she never really knew when she would be working. Often it was a long time between shifts. And although I have an awesome view when I go to work, it is not as frequent as my bank account requires. But I would rather make sacrifices to be in this place than make sacrifices to make more money in the city.
This is where I work. How about you? Do you live and work in a place you love? Send me a photo and I will share it in a future post.
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