March 6, 2019

The System Doesn't Make Sense - It Doesn't Have To

Mister Cap I. Talism.
Image by myconius.

If you think that the world we live in today doesn't make any sense at all, you would be right. That is because our system doesn't have to make sense - it only has to make money.

If this system were a person it would be imprisoned, or committed to an asylum. 

Void of any moral compass, you would cross the street to avoid having to rub shoulders with such an destructive and unstable character, if it were actually a character.

If it were a person, ecocidal capitalism might be manifested as something like The Mad Hatter, from Alice in Wonderland.

"I am under no obligation to make sense to you." 
- Mad Hatter

Or perhaps as the hookah smoking Cheshire Cat, since the system is obviously under the influence of some very bad drugs. In fact, it is on one of the most destructive drugs known to humanity - money.

“We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad. You must be, or you wouldn’t have come here.” 
- Cheshire Cat

They want us to believe there is no other way to conduct human affairs other than through fouling our own nest, and allowing the many to die from highly preventable causes, while the few gain obscene amounts of wealth. 

None of that makes any logical sense what-so-ever. But still, Margaret Thatcher famously told us, "There is no alternative", and many agreed with her.

Not sociologist John Bellamy Foster, who is thinking rationally when he says, 

“We have to go against the logic of the system even while living within it.” 

I agree, but what exactly is the logic of a system that is already looking for a new planet to exploit when this one is completely destroyed? 

If there is no possible alternative, then let's ponder impossible alternatives. 

Now is when we could use a healthy dose of creativity and imagination. Our capacity to dream of a better world can surely yield something better than the total insanity that has brought us to edge of destruction. 

Alice in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll modelled the kind of thinking we need now. He said,

"Sometimes, I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

I consider the impossible all the time, before, during, and after breakfast. I have to, because I need to inject a bit of sense in a world where there doesn't seem to be any at all.

So I ask myself, "How about an impossible world where social relationships are not governed primarily by economics, however participatory, but by solidarity? How about an impossible world where ecocide is not an integral part of what we do?" 

I envision a system where billionaire outlaws are outlawed (not such a crazy idea after all).

"Sure we destroyed the Earth", the billionaires will say, "but we destroyed it for profit."

We have to start thinking of impossible ideas, systems, and methods. Why not dream impossible dreams?

At one time any human would have told you that flying through the air in thin metal tubes for great distances was impossible. Or visiting the moon. Or polluting limitless oceans and the atmosphere, or cutting down expansive, seemingly endless old growth forests.

And yet, all of those fall under the purview of the possible today. Who knows what "impossible" things we will achieve tomorrow? 

“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, a person who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost their mind.” 
- C.S. Lewis


  1. Your last quote by C.S. Lewis is exactly right. The one running away from the cliff is the one who appears crazy. They are even listing it in the DSM as a mental disorder. If you have a non conforming, rebel spirit it is now a mental disorder called Opposional Disorder. Sadly, they are getting kids who don't conformed to the ridiculous expectations and diagnosing them with this. The more nuts the expectations are in schools, home and life in general, the more kids oppose it. Hence, the more they diagnose and drug to make them conform. All the kids are doing is having a normal reaction to an abnormal environment and outrageous inhumane expectations.

    Bruce E. Levine is speaking out about the Opposional Disorder diagnosis. Highly recommend listening to his 3-part story on You Tube. His story talk is about 30 minutes total for the 3 parts. Gregg, you would love this. He's a psychologist. He's funny too.

    Bruce's book is titled, "Resisting Illegitimate Authority." I already know you will jump to learn more about this guy just by hearing the title if you haven't already heard of him! Watch his story on You Tube!

    Just this morning I was listening to a book on tape, the author made a statement. Capitalism is simple. If it makes a profit, then keep doing it. If it doesn't change something. Just like you are saying here.

    1. It is pretty scary when the system pathologizes normal behaviours. I guess I have had "Oppositional Disorder" my whole life. I wouldn't have it any other way. Levine is great, and thank you so much for the references and link. It is quite something how well you have come to know me. Better than some of my friends that I have known for decades. I appreciate that.

    2. "The first DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), psychiatry’s diagnostic bible, was published by the American Psychiatric Association in 1952 and listed 106 disorders (initially called “reactions”).

      DSM-2 was published in 1968, and the number of disorders increased to 182.

      DSM-3 was published in 1980, and though homosexuality was dropped from it, diagnoses were expanded to 265, with several child disorders added that would soon become popular, including oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

      DSM-4, published in 1994, contained 365 diagnoses."

      - Bruce E. Levine

  2. Thank you so much for your response Gregg. And many thanks for adding the DSM history. Clarity on the correct name for ODD was very helpful. I shouldn't have been so lazy and looked up what I was talking about to get the name right. We are kindred souls for sure. Bruce is on the right page it seems.
    I've had too much going on with my side jobs, but I'm anxious to read every one of Bruce's books and watch his videos. He has several on his website.
    It also seems they are finding a way to get everyone on the planet diagnosed with a mental condition so they can drug us all into submission! It's terrifying.
    I'm so grateful for NBA and my oppositional friends here! We are not buying it! Not giving up our freedom to think and behave sanely and responsibly. Say no to diagnosis and mental drugs!

    1. We say no to any pharmaceuticals. MS patients have been particularly targeted by the industry with expensive (up to $35,000 dollars a year) drugs that DO NOT WORK. Patients don't have to pay directly, but society's health care dollars do, and they are being wasted to the tune of many, many billions of dollars per year.

      But, as I well know, MS is a horrifying experience (we don't know what causes it, so how can you treat it effectively?), and people afflicted will be willing to do just about anything to deal with it. Patients are being horribly taken advantage of in a profit-making scheme that has nothing to do with health.

      It sure is good to have people like Bruce Levine out there, even if they are considered insane by our system. Truth tellers get a rough ride when profits depend on lies.

    2. Gregg, no truer words could be said. I say NO to a lot of things regarding medical. Just plain NO. Recently, I found a way to get some nearly free medical and dental care and decided to go get a physical to be established in case I decide I want or need care for something that comes up. I had to establish with the primary care doctor to get the much needed and wanted dental care. It is nearly free care. A gift I am deeply grateful for.

      But I'm having to put up with some carp to get it. They found a way to attempt to get in me in a medical loop that spirals out of control and causes enormous problems for me. WOW! They are pretty skilled at get people dependent on them and taking expensive drugs that don't work and cause enormous side effects.

      I have a small benign tumor at the base of my brain, have had it for decades. Once upon a time they convinced me I needed a very expensive drug taken twice a week. The drug incapacitated me for 2 days after I took it. So it made me non functional for 4 days a week. It took control of my wallet. It did nothing to make the tumor go away. I have NO SYMPTOMS and this will not kill me. So they figured it out at this new place, want me to go to a specialist, get radiation (strong MRI xrays on my brain, normal MRI will not show the tumor. Has to be a very strong one to see it.)

      I debated it for about 24 hours and choose not to follow through with the specialist, etc. Say NO to drugs and medical loops that do not help people. We are totally on the same page. I fully understand and support yours and Linda's decisions. We know what is best for us.

  3. Anonymous3/08/2019

    This is somewhat related: I have been reading a lot about the new 5G technology that tech and cell companies are trying to blanket the planet with. Very unsettling. There are devices that can be used to minimize the radiation exposure, but it sucks that to be healthy, we will all need to use special devices!
    5G is a horrible idea for not only humans, but all life on Earth - a crazy idea backed by lots of greed.
    My hope is that many wakeup and realize that a fast internet connection is NOT worth health and happiness. Period.

    1. Yes, totally related, and a good example of our failure to act rationally. Everything I have read about 5G (or wifi generally) is disturbing. Scientists agree that wifi radiation is bad for all life on Earth, but you know, if it makes money it will go ahead. And right now billions are being invested to set it all up.

      "In 2035, 5G will enable $12.3 trillion of global economic output."

      In other words, there will be no stopping the rollout of global intensified radiation pointed at us, and who cares what the unintended consequences are.

      Humans = dumbest animal to ever walk the Earth. Oh well, it was fun... and profitable.

      All we will be able to do is minimize the effects. I will be writing a post on this topic. Thank you for reminding me.

  4. Anonymous3/11/2019

    Well-said! I look forward to reading your post. Though it sounds like a bleak future, I am always aware that, individually, we have choices. And I remind myself of those choices daily. -Erin


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