March 25, 2025

Haiku and Simplicity Cut Through the Clutter

Simplicity is a core principle of haiku—letting the moment speak without excess.

Crafting a haiku is a good metaphor for creating a beautiful, stripped down life. In both, simplicity is used to drill down to the essential. 

Concise language, layered meaning, and cultural context create depth, while elegance and clarity reveal the beauty of brevity. 

The strict 5-7-5 syllable structure requires careful word choice, distilling rich ideas into few words, making each syllable, word, and line count.

Enjoy my Haiku about the simple life and you may see how such concepts can be reflected in a few lines.

Empty pockets free Soul not weighed down by stuff Simple heart beats strong

Consumerist dream

Chasing wants, not true needs now

Empty, still we buy

Complexity reigns Cluttered minds and cluttered space

Serenity lost

Minimalist path Fewer things, more room to breathe Freedom in the void

Silence in the noise Stillness found in empty space Calm, the greatest wealth

Ok, it isn’t Basho,

“An old silent pond 

A frog jumps in 

Splash! Silence again”, 

or Yosa Buson,

"The spring sea— 

all day long it rises 

and falls, rises and falls.”  

but I’m trying.

Just as the haiku's few words convey rich meaning, a simple life swims in eddies of circumstances, relationships, and emotions. 

The haiku's elegance and clarity, like learning to be content with just enough, is a distillation of the multiplicity into a functional few.

Writing haiku is a good method for cutting through the clutter of both thinking and language.

For me it is a learning tool for doing the same in other areas of my life, like cleaning my garage of superfluous stuff so the essential can emerge.

Try one yourself, and share it with us below in a comment.

I will leave you with my last minimalist haiku for inspiration.

Haiku cleaves through it,
All that clutter fades away—
Freedom settles in


  1. Anonymous3/26/2025


    Small green leaves emerge
    Spring returns again
    A bird hops in a small garden


    1. Anonymous3/26/2025

      A beautiful reminder of Spring in this moment. Thank you for sharing. Always good to hear from you.

      - Gregg

    2. Anonymous3/26/2025

      Thanks, enjoying the blog and always like your zen pictures in posts.

  2. Anonymous3/26/2025

    Love your haikus
    Especially the line
    Empty, yet we buy
    I am fasting from buying as a political statement. Annie


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