Our world is shifting. Everywhere people are exercising their power to quit.
They are quietly quitting the toxic, consumer-driven aspects of modern life and choosing healthier, more intentional paths.
I don't think this is just a passing trend. We are experiencing a seismic shift in the way people are choosing to live.
Quietly and happily, many are quitting unhealthy products and situations like:
- unsatisfying careers and bad bosses
- alcohol and other dependencies
- mainstream legacy media
- unnecessary medical treatments
- official narratives
- conspicuous consumption
- treadmill lifestyles
- ultra processed and fast foods
There are so many more things in modern life that are best left behind. The choices of harmful things to quit is almost endless - take your pick and become free of their corrosive influences.
Over the last 20 years Linda and I have quit many modern ''conveniences'' and products, and our lives have improved as a result.
The more we quit, the better it gets. Hmm, funny how that works.
What are you quitting? Let us know in a comment below.