June 29, 2023

Dumb Consumer Item Of The Month - Extreme Tourism

Pity the poor billionaires for whom the pleasure and thrill of money hoarding ceases to turn their crank.

When 100s of billions of dollars is no longer enough, it is time to go extreme.

Tourism, like everything else, has gone extreme so as to cater to those with lots of money, but not much else. 

Witness trips to the top of Mount Everest. Or almost space. The South Pole. Storm chasing. Swimming with dolphins... or sharks.

One extreme experience sold to people with extreme money and expectations is in the news right now.

If you are a big time consumer with a spare $250,000 dollars, you can purchase a trip to the bottom of the ocean.

And the bottom of the ocean means  3600 meters (12,500 ft) below the surface where the wreckage of the Titanic rests.

It takes 2 hours just to drop down that deep, and long before you get to the bottom, the sun's rays have penetrated as deep as they can.

The bottom is cold and in complete darkness. And I imagine very lonely. 

In other words, the perfect vacation, unless it turns out to be a one way trip.

You may not come back from an extreme experience, but if you do, imagine the bragging rights you would have.

That alone would be worth a cool quarter million dollars. 


Apparently the Titanic tour did not have a rescue plan. That is how foolhardy this extreme tourist offering is, but like the billionaires say, "if it isn't dangerous, it isn't an adventure."

Since the bottom of the ocean is such an uninviting environment, if you get in trouble there is little to nothing that can be done except kiss your imploding butt goodbye.

Perhaps this blog needs a Deadly Consumer Item of the Month series.

Cars would be in there for sure (40,000 deaths per year in the US alone). 

There would be some cross-over with this series of posts since a consumer item/service can be both dumb and deadly. 

And often is.

It is easy. Just say no to dumb ideas and lousy, deceitful, dangerous products and services. 

Some day it could save you $250,000 dollars.

And your life.


  1. Anonymous6/30/2023

    So, it’s not only money not well spent. Five men put their lives at risk so hundreds of people had to put their own lives at risk to try to save them.

    1. Anonymous6/30/2023

      So much waste in our system. Trillions and trillions of dollars every year wasted. 2 trillion on global military spending alone.

      If not for the shameless waste, this planet could be a nice place with nice things for everyone.

      - Gregg


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