February 16, 2022

The Green Pill

The Blue Pill

Take the blue pill if you don't want to wake up, don't want to know, and are happy to carry on as if nothing is wrong.

The Red Pill

Take the red pill if you want to descend into the rabbit hole, discover the truth, and potentially become angry and bitter about it all.

What if I told you there was a third option?

The Green Pill

Take it and know the truth, but live happily anyway. You will believe that the sacredness of nature is the only way, that living simply is the answer, and that greed, power and force must be countered by love, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness.

There is a fourth choice, but for me it is not an option at all.

The Black Pill

Take the black pill, abandon all hope and give up entirely on knowing AND not knowing. Take it and you won't care either way, won't think it matters, and will come to the conclusion that nothing will ever change anyway no matter what you do. Or do not.

Me, I have been green-pilled, and I am content with my choice. At first it made me angry, but then I came to accept what is, and recovered my positive outlook. 

The green pill is the one that set me free. 


  1. Took that green pill more than half a century ago and my heart has been light, my mind has been clear and my sleep (not to mention my conscience) have been untroubled ever since. Like many who grow up in extreme poverty I spent my teenage years wanting it all, then somewhere along the way I figured out I already had/have all I need - more in fact - and life fell into place. Wishing you a day of peace, happiness, safety, peace and knowing.

    1. Knowing what is enough, and that we already have what we need is a gift that keeps on giving. Peace to you, too. So glad that it is all working out for you.


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