February 9, 2020

Things Are Not The Target

You (yes, you), beautiful you, are the target.


are not the target.


your innermost being, 

is the target -

not a beautiful house, 

but a beautiful you;

not much money, 

but a rich you;

not many things, 

but an open being,

available to millions of things."

- Osho


  1. Replies
    1. We are all as beautiful as the radiant sunflower. Or we at least have the potential to be so.

  2. Anonymous2/10/2020

    Is there anything more joyful than a sunflower?


    1. Basking in the glow of the picture above (screen brightness turned to max) I thought, "This must be as good as a full spectrum SAD light." Effective mood enhancer any time of year.

  3. Anonymous2/10/2020

    Beautiful - the sunflower and the poem. And perfect for a chilly winter day. Thank you. -Erin

    1. I needed a boost, and this did it. The sun is coming back, but we are still in a challenging part of our annual cycle. As we recharge for the more active parts of the year, it is good to be reminded of what the target really is on this Earthly adventure.


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