June 27, 2014

Moving On With Less

Notice: This van stops for spontaneous jams and sing-a-longs.

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”
- Jack Kerouac

After almost a decade of living a beautiful, quiet and contented lifestyle on the ocean, it is quite a change to find ourselves following that endless white line and living a nomadic lifestyle. Fulfilling a lifelong goal, we are now living out of our van with everything we own in the world.

Unlike any other time we have done something like this, on this round we have no other stuff anywhere. There is no additional crap lurking in a basement, or attic, or storage locker. No one is holding anything for us. What you see is what you get.

This is everything. Just what we need to travel, to eat, to sleep, to live. No more.

While we were living simply in our beach side home on the Pacific, we always wondered if we could take things further. We could, and we did, and almost a month later, reality is setting in.

Now that we have passed the "what the hell are we doing?" phase, and the "we are going to die out here" phase, we have begun to settle into the hypnotic rhythm of the road. We are charmed by the beauty, the simplicity, and the vitality of living this simple, stripped down unconventional life.

All our old routines and habits have been thoroughly dashed upon the hot highway of life where new challenges and thrills are a constant occurrence. And to support us, just enough stuff to get the job done.

Like Jack Kerouac, we want to spend our time being mad for living. We want to honour the free thinkers, visionaries, philosophers, rebels, and all those with an insatiable wanderlust and perpetual love for adventure and the unknown.

Freed of the trivialities of a settled life, now more than ever we have the time and space to question life, and our own existence. To feed not the "why?", but the "why not?".

For example, why not stop the van at any moment and have a spontaneous jam?

See you on the road.


  1. Anonymous6/28/2014

    Ah, you're there, that place where it all gets in perspective, where freedom is indescribable. You found it.

    "I'm a traveling man, nothing left behind me but the road" ~Doobie Brothers

    1. Terri,

      I love the Doobies. My favourite lyrics are from "Blackwater".

      "And I ain't got no worries
      'Cause I ain't in no hurry at all

      Well, if it rains, I don't care
      Don't make no difference to me…"

      Word I have lived by.

      I can see that "Travelin' Man" is from the Doobie's first studio album, which I am not that familiar with. I will be giving it a listen today. The lyrics you quoted are so similar to Jack Kerouac's quote above.


  2. Gam Kau6/28/2014

    lovely in so many ways!

    1. Gam,

      We stopped at one of our most loved mountain spots, took out a guitar, and played and sang to our heart's content. It was totally unrestricted because for once we did not have to worry about neighbours - we DID NOT hold back like we had to at home, and it felt great.

      So free.

  3. Anonymous6/28/2014

    As the Quakers say "Unencumbered"

    1. Miss Marla,

      I have a lot of respect for the Quakers. I think they are on the right track as far as simplicity and our connection to "The Power" are concerned. They know what is important, like living an unencumbered life.

      Hope you and your mom are well. We are staying a few days with Linda's mom right now, but will be hitting the road once again soon.

  4. Anonymous7/02/2014

    Smile. Love them too. They helped us ease into feeling good. They had a way of placing lyrics in just the right spot in a song too. "Like a lazy flowing river, Surrounding castles in the sky, And the crowd is growing bigger..." Traveling Man is a soft smooth song a lot like South City Midnight Lady, another favorite. Blackwater, an unexpected hit for them and it continues to stay with us!

    Tom Johnson, Pat Simmons and the other Doobie Brothers were a great band. They've reunited with four lead guitars (!) and are touring again.

    After this conversation, I had a Doobie Brothers day, listened to their Wolf Trap concert (2007) on You Tube which was stellar. The best they ever were. Great fun, great things come from your blog!

    Including Jack Kerouac. I must read "On the Road." Will be getting it from the library.

    I digress, this isn't a music blog, but fun to chat about!



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