October 22, 2012

No Exploitive Drudgery Monday


  1. Amen! I don't intend to work in the marketplace ever again. It is do-able. Thank you for a great post.

    1. Thank you for confirming that it can be done. It may be more work (rather than less), but it is worthwhile doing if you love your freedom.

  2. Anonymous10/23/2012

    This is a hard one to shake; It's so ingrained that we must work at some sort of a job or we are a burden on society or the very least not contributing. When I left the 9-5 work place it wasn't by choice and I felt a loss of self in the beginning. It took a while to realize that my profession didn't define me. Nothing that I can own or do will ever define me. I contribute to the world by just being in it. I wouldn't go back, even if I could.

    1. The whole system is highly destructive and over-rated. I refuse to buy its stuff, and I refuse to work for it. As much as possible, anyway.

      Krishnamurti nailed it when he said, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

    2. Anonymous10/23/2012

      Wow, great quote!

  3. The quote is stunning and so true! This is a wonderful post and very inspirational. I am full of gratitude to work in a job where I learn more about what I love, and teach interested people what I've discovered. And I wholeheartedly agree about not buying "their stuff" -- I realize more and more how much I don't need it.

    1. Erin, I enjoy hearing from people that enjoy their jobs since it is such a rare thing to hear. My father was a teacher for almost 40 years and he LOVED it. He spent the last few years of his life teaching voluntarily overseas for no pay.

      If you have a job that you love, and quit buying unnecessary consumerism stuff (and most of it is unnecessary), it is possible to get set up financially and gain your freedom whenever you are ready.

      Or maybe, like my dad, you will just keep on going. Wonderful! You have attained something that few people ever do. Seems like the best of both worlds.


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