June 3, 2011

Be Open To The Miraculous

Lettuce flowers

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle."

- Albert Einstein

They smell divine


  1. Lovely quote! Pretty post. I'm discovering that beauty is everywhere. I posted a photo of a blade of grass this morning. (: The light was just right...

  2. Grooovygirl,

    I like the native American saying - Beauty before me. Beauty behind me. Beauty above me. Beauty below me. With Beauty all around me, may I walk.

    The grass photo is great. Beauty.

  3. I love that! Thank you. I was telling some people about your blog this morning. I love the idea of choosing where you want to live, and living in a very simple way. This year we are culling as much as possible to make room for change. I already embrace simplicity, but I want to take it even further. It is a dream of mine to return to the West Coast. Letting go of the old to make room for the new. We'll see what happens. Thanks again.

  4. Grooovygirl,

    It sounds like you are doing your part to spread the word on the beauty of simplicity. Good luck on your cull - it is a liberating activity.


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