August 3, 2013

I Could Live In A Tent

I could live in a tent.

I am not expecting much in the way of a place to live. I could make it quite nicely in a basic canvas cabin tent.

I imagine a small piece of land - a place where I can grow a garden, keep some chickens and a goat, and sing, dance, learn and play with uninterrupted abandon.

Somewhere with fresh air, clean water, and surrounded by nature. A place with positive, cooperative neighbours.

Given these conditions, I swear, I could live in a tent. Yes, a tent, and not for a night, or a week, or the summer, or until my 'dream home' is built.

Right now, the tent IS my dream home.

Tiny home, big garden would suit me fine

Perhaps at some point I would want to separate myself from the bears with solid walls. It might be fun to build my own tiny home.

A tiny home (or tent) and a big garden would suit me fine.


  1. Anonymous8/04/2013

    I know exactly what you are saying--I am so-o-o happy whenever we out camping. Life is so simple. Great tent, great dining shelter, cooking over a wood fire. However, I live in Winterpeg . . .


    1. M, I am a happy camper, too. It really strips life down to the essentials, and I love being out in nature breathing fresh air. And there is something very primal about a campfire that appeals to most people.

      Winterpeg does get cold, but Manitoba is a beautiful province for camping.


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