March 14, 2023

Wild And Free In The Winter Woods

Lots of nice, fluffy white stuff.

Last week I got out into the woods for my first and second snowshoe adventures of the winter.

The first day was overcast and beautiful. The second, sunny and beautiful.

It is almost spring equinox, so it was a late start to the season. And it may of ended shortly after it began.

Activity in sugar maple groves will soon begin with perfect temperatures being below zero at night, and above zero during the day.

In our location, so near to the ocean, I have to hit the snow while the going is good because you never know when the warmth and rain may come.

And come it did, just a few days after the heaviest snowfall of the winter. 

Next to the brook at the bottom of the valley behind our home. Nature, nature, nature!

That is why I am grateful for every moment I get out on the snowshoes. Even if it is only twice a year. 

Snowshoeing through the muffled, muted winter wonderland makes me feel like a kid again.

Just like when I am on my bicycle. Which I have riding a lot this winter due to the lack of snow. 

It's pretty good either way.

My tracks on the sugar shack trail.

But being in the woods walking on water (frozen water) is magical. So quiet, tranquil, relaxing and rejuvenating. 

Here there are no human biases, or lies, or societal rules. In the woods I find clarity, and the purpose of my life.

Being in nature provides a rejuvenating good vibe that lasts for days. 

The tracks of some other creature that lives in the woods, 
possibly snowshoe hare, or hares.

It is conceivable that we will get another good dump before spring gets off to a serious start.

If so, I will be ready to go on my refurbished snowshoes (I replaced the straps with a new set from the manufacturer) which performed perfectly.

I am always looking for tracks and signs. This photo reveals evidence of something eating tree bark. Several creatures do in these woods. In this case I suspect porcupine.

I am thankful for the conditions that allow me to float through the forest atop heaps of snow. It is an outdoor experience like no other.

It is times like this that I realize that Thoreauian truth - all good things are wild and free.

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