March 8, 2023

Simplify Beliefs, Simplify Life

"When thoughts arise, then do all things arise. When thoughts vanish, then do all things vanish."

- Huang Po

Simplifying mental clutter is more important than simplifying the clutter in our homes.

Indeed, it is a pre-requisite, because without it, the clutter will accumulate once again. 

I take the time to sit down and be quiet. Do I feel my life? Is my heart open?

I try not believing my thoughts for a while. It is liberating. 

We are not our thoughts. We are not our beliefs.

Why be so invested in them? 

What if everything we have been taught is false? There is no reason to cling to that.

Living in simplicity, and questioning my beliefs, I learn that when reaching for something, I end up realizing that I already have it.

I find out that the problems I am trying to solve may not really be problems in the first place.

I even try to not have a belief about simplifying beliefs. That's just another belief.

When I stop listening to an endless stream of thoughts, life simplifies itself.

The clutter in my head and my home, dissolves, and it doesn't come back.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/11/2023

    One of my favorite books is Thich Nhat Hahn's "How to Relax." It's short, simple, and has lovely line drawing illustrations. It always brings me back to feeling calm and myself.

    The page I read this morning was about just this: let go of desire (as much as possible) and receive joy, peace, and ease. That's the ticket!

    Peace, Erin


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