December 25, 2023

The True Spirit of Christmas

They must have us keep up our demand for superfluous consumer goods.

Crass commercialism. It will solve all our problems.

Will it, though, really?

May the true spirit of Christmas be with you today, and all year long.


  1. Anonymous12/26/2023

    A friend and I were just enjoying a walk and reminded ourselves that Christmas is not over on the 25th (AKA The mega-gift opening and over-eating day, for many). That is only the first day of Christmas. I’m glad to be reminded that I can enjoy the spirit of this holiday for 11 more days. Peace and contentment is what I’m aiming for. Merry Christmas, Erin

    1. Anonymous12/26/2023

      Peace and contentment for all living being. Enjoy eleven more days of loveliness.

      - Gregg and Linda


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