November 3, 2023


There are many ways to live a simpler, non-consumeristic life.

Basically, a simple life strips away excessive and unnecessary goods, services, responsibilities and obligations in order to focus your time, money and energy on the things that matter the most to you.

In recent years we have learned a lot about what is essential, and what is not, and as it turns out, much of what a consumer economy churns out is most definitely NOT essential.

For decades Linda and I have been quitting more and more of the non-essentials. And it has only made life better.

Greg McKeown, in his book "Essentialism", says it "is not about going back to some simpler time, or about eschewing email, or disconnecting from the Web". 

He also says his book is not about living like a hermit. All of that, in his opinion, means "backwards movement".

That must be because his book is not about simple living exactly, it is about more effective living by doing less better. 

Basically, he says, we want too much, do too much, think too much, and can't say NO as often as we would like or should.

However, I would advocate for going back to some simpler time (since that seems destined anyway), and getting off as much of the digitalization of life as possible.

I also don't have the same negative view of living like a hermit, which to me is looking better with each passing year. 

But anyone that thinks we can live better by doing less and having less is OK in my book.

Years ago I posted my Ultimate Household Budget. It is basically essentialism in action.

In a nutshell it asks readers to decide their essential requirements for living a contented life, then eliminating everything else as superfluous.

This goes for material things, as well as for time commitments, obligations, and responsibilities.

What do you really need to have and do to lead a contented, full life?

Not much as it turns out. 

Just the basics can provide for a high quality way of life if approached with the right attitude. 

I see essentialism as a synonym for simple living. They are very similar whether you think the practice is a step forward, or backward.

I think it can be both a forward and a backward step with benefits accruing on both sides. 

We look back to return to our frugal, thrifty ways that worked forever before  consumerism replaced them, and look ahead to a new simplicity based on the health of all people and the planet.

It all starts when we decide, each of us for ourselves, what is essential, and what can be let go.

It is that simple.

What is essential for your ideal good life? 


  1. About the cell phone. It is necessary since I cannot walk across the street before my back gives out. So, being able to summon help in an emergency is necessary. I saw a mother, father, and child walk into a store. All three had their phones in their hands. Appalling! Good post.

    1. Anonymous11/06/2023

      When used in moderation they can be very beneficial. Take care out there.

      - Gregg


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