August 15, 2023

National Relaxation Day

Today I learned that August 15th is National Relaxation Day in many countries.

Here is a write up for Canada that I read this morning.

"Coinciding with warm summer days, outdoor activities such as hiking, picnicking, or swimming can be explored as forms of relaxation. National Relaxtion Day is observed annually on August 15th, allowing everyone to emphasize the importance of relaxation and self-care in their lives."

That sounds nice. Relaxation is a requirement for mental health. And there is a bit of a suicide epidemic going on, recently reaching record levels.

So is it a national holiday, then? Because our relaxation is so important?

"Well, no. You will have to relax on your own damn time. Get back to work."

That's not very relaxing. But it is the reality for a great many people around the world.

Relaxers of the world unite! 

When we are done relaxing. Tomorrow, maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Amidst the pressures of daily routines and the growing concern over mental health, taking time to unwind and prioritize well-being is essential. Considering the importance of relaxation for mental health and overall well-being, how can societies and workplaces promote a culture that values rest and rejuvenation? Tel U


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