May 7, 2023

It's A Good Time To Shorten Food Supply Chains

Supply chains are breaking. Not so bad if we are talking about TVs, but when we are talking about food, we are in trouble. 

Growing your own food is the best way to shorten your food chain. Garden to table is the shortest chain you can get - one link. Garden. You.

Alternative to providing your own food, supporting local farmers and producers is the way to go. Localism is the new globalism.

Linda and I have been trying to shorten our food supply chains, and get off the local big box store as our sole supplier of food. Since getting a kick in the rear by the mayhem of the past 3 years, we have made some nice advances.

Many organic whole food staples we have been able to source locally by joining a food buying club. Many of their offerings were grown and processed here, which supports food security in the Maritimes.

We also switched to a small, family run fruit and vegetable store that sources as much as it possibly can locally. 

Things that can't be sourced locally are dropping off our grocery list. 

Avocados, for example. We are looking at (gasp) eliminating coffee from our grocery list, and bananas that come from thousands of km away are on the cut list as well. 

Hard decisions will need to be made in the immediate future, the way things are going. Not just because of supply chains, but also due to inflation. Groceries are getting more expensive all the time. 

Recently we have been talking with our neighbours about working together to keep laying hens. 

We don't eat chicken (but would if we had no alternative), but we do eat eggs. Getting them from our yard would shorten that supply chain and you can't beat the price. Plus, we love watching chickens.

We are lucky to have an apple orchard just down the road from us. They also grow strawberries and blueberries. Other neighbours make maple syrup.

Depending on food from far away never seemed like a good idea to me, and soon it may be dangerous for those that depend solely on it if that food stops coming.

They have been talking out food security for a long time. We figure now is a good time to continue to assess ours.

Not everyone can do it, but growing/raising your own food produces the shortest chains possible. 

Shipping food over vast distances is not only wasteful, but the quality of what you get is drastically reduced compared to fresh foods grown locally. 

Like in your yard.

Barring growing/raising food on your own, supporting local producers is the best way to increase food security, and shorten supply chains.

Grow a garden and/or support local and enjoy going back to a more sensible, resilient food future.



  1. Anonymous5/07/2023

    I have been becoming more local and we have small vegetable garden and have access to a local farmer who offers food throughout the year which is grown within walking distance. I have also started to eat wild foods with nettles, hogweed, wild garlic, garlic mustard and sweet cicely recently being available. The mushroom season starts soon as well. We also buy in bulk for staples like rice, flour and spices. There is connection to flow of things when eating local non processed food.
    Best wishes,

    1. Anonymous5/08/2023

      Thank you for mentioning foraging, an age old tradition and something I failed to highlight. I have only really foraged for berries in the past, although a couple of years ago we added dandelion greens to our spring diet as they are one of the first things to start growing. However, I intend on learning more as I know our backyard woods are full of edible things that are overlooked in the age of the supermarket.

      I agree that a return to wholesome local foods will return us to the flow from whence we came, and it will be good.

      - Gregg

  2. This is so important, especially now. Thank you for sharing this so more people become aware.

    1. Anonymous5/08/2023

      Those that are prepared will make out alright. I want to be one of them, and wish to bring as many others with me as I can. It takes a village... to feed a village.

      - Gregg

  3. Spot on! Thank you!

  4. Gregg, I couldn't agree with you more. Eating from our own gardens as first preference is brilliant. Then, maybe a swap from the neighbour's garden (when offered-I don't mean stealing it lol). Then local market etc. And oh my gosh, definitely get chickens! We're long term vegetarians and we have chickens for the eggs. They are gorgeous pets, every one of them has a personality and they're reasonably easy to care for. It's lovely having eggs year round (although fewer in winter) and we know 100% that our spoilt girls have a fabulous life :)

  5. This is an excellent blog post and so timely. We keep chickens at home, so our supply chain is short for eggs. Great article!

    1. Anonymous5/30/2023

      We have never had chickens before, but will be working with neighbours to keep 4 birds this summer. They have had chickens before so will get us up to speed. We are looking forward to learning everything we can, and fresh eggs from the yard will be nice.

      - Gregg


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