April 23, 2023

Walden 2.0

It is hard to predict what will happen in the future as things are changing so fast. But you can kind of see where it is all going.

I read a comment on a blog summing up what conditions in so many places look like now:

"It's a Shakespearean-tragic-comedy-horror-dystopian-Pavlovian-B.F. Skinner-Huxleyian-Madison Street-CULLING reality show".

 The commenter also figured that the whole mess would be: 

"best viewed from an Epicurean-Walden 2.0 existence, in the remaining days of the civilization project".

What might a Walden 2.0 look like?

Isolation, while not for everyone, does help. Thoreau found it "wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time."

Being close to nature would be another requirement. 

"We can never have enough nature," Thoreau said. "Live each season as it passes, breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth."

Another recommendation would be to have few things. It is a great skill "to want but little."

Self-reliance would be another essential for living in the woods, or anywhere else.

The good news is that a more self-reliant Walden 2.0 life can be done wherever we are at. 

In such a life we can

- cook and eat more at home
- unplug our devices more often (a sane-cation as one of our readers calls it)
- spend more time outdoors
- grow as much of our own food as we are able
- practice refuse, rethink, reassess  and repair when it comes to material possessions
- purchase the things we need locally

Thinking differently may be difficult and dangerous, but it is the way to much needed changes.

"I see nothing permanent in the society around me," Thoreau wisely observed,"and am not quite committed to any of its ways."

Nothing is permanent, and how much of what governments are forcing on us are we actually committed to? 

We can change it all if we so choose because we are the power. 

In the course of doing so, you may not save the planet, or civilization, but you might just save yourself and those you love.

While "democratic" governments don't ask us what we want any more, we should be asking ourselves.

What kind of future do we envision for ourselves and our communities?


  1. Anonymous4/23/2023

    Hi Gregg and Linda,

    Hope you are both well and enjoying a beautiful Spring. Here in Australia Autumn has been glorious so far, with some welcome rains overnight to help the Winter planting to germinate.

    At our home we are discussing this topic day and night. We are also trying to "resign (ourselves) to the influence of the earth". That has meant two unusually cold Spring/Summer seasons where some crops have grown more slowly and yielded smaller veggies. So I have to try to be grateful for what the garden gives us and acknowledge that we always have enough, even if the variety and quantity is not as good as usual.

    Still working on divorcing ourselves from the supermarket, some very bad habits crept in with the stress of the last few years. And have totally gone back to cash spending only so that we can keep it alive and keep some freedom with it. The move towards a cashless society is our greatest concern. Madeleine

    1. Anonymous4/25/2023

      So good to hear from you, Madeleine, as it has been a while. The past three years have been pretty nasty for a large part of the world, and the powers that shouldn't be are keeping up with the crazy. It is increasingly difficult to maintain sanity in such a madhouse.

      Going back to cash is such a good idea, and one that Linda and I have been discussing. Digital IDs and currency will limit out freedoms in new and unprecedented ways, and must be resisted at all costs.

      - Gregg


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