August 26, 2021

Happiness Under Your Feet

Where is happiness to be found? That is the bazillion dollar question.

Here are a few more questions I have.

Is happiness to be found within ourselves, or is it somewhere outside?

Is it free, or do you have to buy it?

Is there enough for everyone, or is it a rare commodity available only to those that can afford it?

And finally I ask, "Do we have to look for happiness far away, or can we find it under our very feet?"


I took all the pictures in this post. 

They are all either in and around our home, or within a short bike ride from where we have lived in southwest Nova Scotia since 2014.


  1. Anonymous8/26/2021

    Beautiful post, beautiful photos.


  2. Such beautiful photos - the second one down quite literally took my breath away. Days filled with contentment from rising up in the morning to surrendering to sleep at night; moments of happiness that rise up and kiss you on the cheek now and then, all interspersed with sprinklings of pure joy - these are the makings of a fulfilled life. My farewell from the job was a Zoom meeting, and so many seemed so disappointed when I answered the (not unexpected by any means) question, "So what are you going to do with your time in your retirement?" with, "Just more - higher, wider, deeper, fuller - of what I have always done when I am not here." It will probably take a few days, certainly no more than that, for me to fully realise there is no longer a need for me to hit the power button on my laptop as I head from the bedroom to the kitchen for the coffee in the morning - imagine that, no more work emails: nirvana.

    1. Anonymous8/27/2021

      Congratulations on retirement, Mela! I found when I retired that it took a couple months or so to fully and completely realize I was not going back to work - that I wasn't on just a long vacation. And now, several years into retirement, I can't imagine ever going back to work! I hope you have a full, wide, deep and wonderful retirement! - Mary

    2. Anonymous8/28/2021

      Congratulations Mela! I'm so glad the day has finally arrived. I hope you enjoy every day and remember, there is now no need to rush!


    3. Thank you so much Mary and Madeleine! This has been a lovely week of just decompressing, and thinking a little (a very, very little to be honest) about getting back into the flow on the side of the creek where I want to be. For the past quarter century I have worked evenings, generally 15:00 to 23:00, so my first goal is to (without rushing this old body) get back to being awake and falling asleep more or less with the rhythm of the sun. It has been cold and rainy here all week so I have spent a lot of time with a book in one hand with the other hand resting gently on the back of the purring kitty on my lap. I think I could learn to like this.


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