July 23, 2021

Nothing To Say, Or Saying Nothing?

“Always ask yourself: "What will happen if I say nothing?” 

― Kamand Kojouri  


For this post I asked myself what would happen if I said nothing.

I decided that it would (probably) not be the end of the world.


So, I'm going to try it, and not say anything. 


But I am listening. 


What's on your mind today? 




  1. This made me smile. I love your blog!

    1. Smiles are precious these days. More smiles, less crap!

  2. Anonymous7/25/2021

    Agree with first comment...love this blog!

  3. Sadly there are still to few of us enlightened beings,who are trying to halt the path of mindless consumer destruction. Be assured Greg that you are not a lone voice. But, your words have resonated with me. It's not enough to walk a different path, it's my duty to speak up about it. Time to press publish on my own blog. Thanks

    1. Let us know when you get up and running so we can share it here. Go for it!


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