October 21, 2019

What I Want

Here is what I want in life, in a nutshell. I could probably tweak the list a bit, but overall, this is it.

Wholesome food

A warm, dry dwelling

A bicycle (and helmet)

Clothes to keep me comfortable in all seasons

At least one good friend

My health

A big garden

Kitchen supplies to make whatever food I enjoy

Basic tools

Bonus things that I enjoy, but could live without if I had toguitar, art supplies, snowshoes, simple furniture, a computer, camera, and chocolate.

It always amazes me when people want more than the basics, more than enough. Once one has enough, what is the more for? Why expend so much effort to get more than one needs?

Considering there are still about 700 million people on the planet living in extreme poverty, it seems that having just enough to live a simple life is something to be very grateful for. 

So that is what I want. What else? Nothing.

Keeping my wants in check allows me to have what I want most of all - a lasting peace of mind, an unhurried simple life, and a liveable planet.


  1. It's funny the older we get the less we want. It becomes hard to buy for those who have everything. If you have everything you value nothing.

    1. Perhaps as we age we catch on to the whole rat race thing. It is exhausting, the drive to always be earning and spending money. The more mature among us know the value of time vs things. Time is more valuable.

      "And all your money won't another minute buy." - Dust In The Wind, Kansas

  2. Anonymous10/21/2019

    Love, love, love your list! This is great!

  3. Love this post. I have big changes to make in my life. This has given me focus today when I needed it. Thank you


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