October 30, 2016

Are You Lost In The World Like Me?

"Are you lost in the world like me?
If the systems have failed?
Are you free?
All the things, all the loss
Can you see?
Are you lost in the world like me?
Like me?"

Moby from "These Systems Are Failing"

Animation - Steve Cutts

See more Steve Cutts here.


  1. Anonymous10/31/2016

    Welcome back, in a world with a saturated mass media, NBA is very welcome.
    These technologies are addictive and are starting to cause misery. I have massively reduced my media intake and do not consume the 'news' or any other media content including TV programs or films. You can feel the change in your body as you distress. Little things like Autumn leaves become emensely beautiful. This weekend we went out for the whole time, on Saturday went to a forest and yesterday went for community run through beautiful grounds of a county estate, then on to a vegan cafe then got on to a free tour of a castle and read books together in the evening.
    Once you are off you do feel the difference, replace the voluntary slavery with learning, exploring and voluntary simplicity.

    1. Alex,

      We are being entertained and convenienced to death. Considering the quality of the mainstream media, and the blatant propaganda (including advertising) they spew, reducing consumption is an excellent approach. While we have been distracted by consumerism a near-complete take over has been staged. Things are not as they seem.

      Your day in the forest and beyond sounds beautiful. Voluntary simplicity is the cure for so many of the symptoms of the current state of things. At the same time we must continue seeking a cure for the underlying disease.

      Nice to see that you (and other community members) didn't forget about us in our absence. Let's do this thing. Exciting times.

  2. Finally, I miss both of you!

  3. Anonymous10/31/2016

    Welcome back! Great to have your "voice" back again, as well as all those who comment. You've been missed. - Mary

    1. Mary,

      Linda and I spoke during our break about how awesome it is that NBA has become a platform to give a voice to those of us that have braved all odds and ventured into the lifestyle that needs to be manifested in the wider world.

      If one were to stumble on this blog, and read through the comments, they would discover how liberating voluntary simplicity can be. Such wonderful stories and experiences.

      There is shared wisdom here that will come in handy as consumer societies transition through the re-simplification process. It can be done, and it is very joyful, gratifying thing. The proof is here.

  4. So happy to see you in my inbox this afternoon! Welcome back!

    1. Karen,

      Honoured to be showing up in your inbox. Wasn't sure if anyone would come back after a 3 month absence.

  5. Anonymous10/31/2016

    Welcome back! What a powerful animation, even without the music it was chilling. I have just emailed it to two teenagers I love :-)


    1. I love Steve Cutts' work. He paints a pretty honest and brutal depiction of our excessive, wasteful world. Good idea sharing this with young people. My dad, a teacher, always said that the young people was where it is at.

      Each generation is getting better, but we don't have the time anymore to wait for further generations to catch on to their parent's mistakes. Come on young people, the future is yours to lose.

  6. I'm glad to see you back. I have missed your posts. Please keep them coming.

    1. Kelly,

      We look forward to keeping them coming. We have to use this internet thing while we still have it.

  7. I was just wondering yesterday what happened to your blog. So glad to see yourselve in action. You inspired me much with your fearless positions. When with the urge to buy something, all I have to do is read your blog and reflect a little. I find that it is not necessary to buy. From Mexico, muchas gracias.

    1. George,

      Happy to hear you were thinking about our blog, and that we have been able to help you resist buying. You are 100% right - most of the time it is not necessary to buy.

      During our break Linda and I did not buy anything, except for food, and things for growing food in our garden. With such a simple life, there is very little that we need that we don't already have.

      Hope we hear more about your experiences living with less buying in Mexico.

  8. Agree. Powerful. Timely.
    I think of you and Linda often. When I do, I remind myself that you are living your simple lives. I deeply respect your decision to log off for a while. How wonderful to hear from you today.

    1. Terri,

      We think of you all the time. We think about your personal experiences de-crapping, as well as the things your area of the world is experiencing at this critical time in our history. Wow. Shit is happening fast.

      Our break was even better than I ever would have imagined. I revelled in not having any schedule of any kind. Outside of my work with Linda, there was nothing that I HAD to do. So I did whatever my heart told me to. Mostly it told me to go for long walks in the woods.

      Linda and I worked on our garden a lot, and that added a whole new glorious dimension to our routine. It is the largest garden we have had in years, since we were in a condo unit on the west coast with no yard. While we had a plot in the community garden, it was a bike ride away from our home, and it was only 4 X 8, which is better than nothing.

      We ate fresh food grown right outside our kitchen door, sat in the sun around our yard, bird watched, and did not go anywhere than just outside our door, for walks in the neighbourhood, or for me, long rides in our area on my bike.

      Now we are feeling refreshed and ready to return to planet protecting with the rest of the Not Buying Anything community. Very excited to be back. Hope you are well.

    2. I am well, thanks! I'll give you an update on de-crapping and what I've been up to soon. Right now, I have some extra work to meet some extra expenses. It's pretty intense what I'm doing, but making it through.

      I'm going to take a couple of weeks off later in November. I'll get a longer note written, updating you on the happenings in my life and send it via email.

      I thought of both of you often imagining you tending your garden, picking and cooking fresh food you grew and maybe even doing food preserving. I knew the break would be good for you two. Writing 3 blog posts a week for so many years is a lot! You sound refreshed. Welcome back. Now let's just carry on from here.

      I look forward to reading Miss Marla's wisdom here too. Hope she comes in soon. I think you had a great idea inviting her to write a post here, remember that conversation? She said that her dad was a professional writer and she seems to dabble in it. I love what she has to say. Her comments always lifted me up. So so wise is she.

  9. Anonymous11/01/2016

    I am glad you are back. :) Mitja

    1. Mitja,

      I am glad that you are glad. This feels good.

  10. Hi all! I have question: do anyone know any durable shoes for every season (winter/summer) that don't fall apart after 3-4 months. My experience in the past 2 years is disastrous! I bought Nike/Reebok and other not known brands. I can say some unknowns are best now like Victory because thet last around 12 months, but I would like to have shoes for at least 3-4 years like in the past. It is funny because I bought exact same model of Reebok shoes and they fell apart after 3 months of only walking to work (estimated around 600 Kilometers of walking). I had the same Reeboks a few years ago and they lasted me 3-4 years with no problem. Quality and durability went down! Current shoes after 5 months start to fall apart. Help! But I need a model that I can buy in the Middle of Europe.

    1. Anonymous11/01/2016

      Soft Star Shoes, out of Corvalis, Oregon. Handmade and worth every penny!

    2. Anonymous11/01/2016

      I second that! Also Aurora shoes of Ithaca NY. I have both soft stars and auroras, they are a little pricey, but they are both very comfortable and handmade. I'm a nurse, walk to work and am on my feet all day and these are the only shoes I can wear. They last really long too. I've had mine for years. I think both companies will ship anywhere. Good luck. Rebecca Lewis

    3. Coingeddon,

      So much of what is offered in the stores is crap these days. I have never seen anything like it. Nothing lasts as long as it used to. Sure it may be inexpensive, BUT IT'S CRAP. And it is done on purpose.

      I have two friends that make clothes, and I really respect those that possess such important skills. We will be returning to a hand made world, sooner or later (probably sooner), so someone that can make a quality piece of clothing, or pair of shoes, will do well. No more mass-produced, planned obsolescence garbage that does nothing but maximize profit and increase waste.

      Therefore, you ask an important question about shoes. My solution has been to wear hiking boots exclusively for about a year now. My previous pair lasted a couple of decades, and I will be happy if I am able to outlive my newest pair.

      I love that you got a couple of responses above. Thank you to Anon and Rebecca.

      If it is necessary to buy something, it is good if that thing is a quality item that gives you your money's worth. It is only fair. Nothing should be designed to fall apart just so we will have to buy more. No more crap that really is crap. Good luck on your quest for a better shoe.

  11. Anonymous11/01/2016

    You're back!! I'm so glad to read your words again. You bring a beautiful voice to the global conversation.
    Erin in TX

    1. Erin,

      Say stuff like that and the consumer world will never get rid of me. Thanks for sticking around and waiting for us. We are feeling ready to take on whatever needs to be taken on. Bring it.

  12. Anonymous11/01/2016

    Hi Gregg and Linda,
    So glad you are back, made my day! Looking forward to your beautifully sane words in this insane world. Thank you. Rebecca Lewis

    1. Rebecca,

      It's insane how often the word sane is mentioned in regards to Not Buying Anything. Unfortunately, sanity is not popular or encouraged in today's mad world. If we are a beacon in the dark, well, wonderful. Wow. Thank you.

  13. Anonymous3/14/2024

    My favorite blogger is a Steve Cutts fan!!!! Heck yes! Also, I hum this song to myself on the random whenever the collective consciousness vibe seems "off", which is often, lately....

    1. Anonymous3/15/2024

      The vibe is definitely off... way off. Thank you for leaving us a comment. We appreciate it very much.

      - Gregg


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