May 20, 2016

Inequality Kills

It is a race now. A race to see what does us in first. To see what brings us chaos and completion.

Will it be climate change that forces our hand? Or will inequality blow us apart first? Or will Monsanto kill us before that? Or war?

Living simply, generously and compassionately could help, but it is not a very popular solution.

I wonder - will I have the luxury of passing away peacefully in my sleep due to old age some day, or will some other human-caused gong show cause my early demise?

Who knew the end times would be so exciting? I am sure there are people right now betting on the eventual outcome of this experiment we call life on planet earth. They might think they can enjoy their profits before the whole thing finishes off with a mighty fizzle.

It is a race. A race to the end. It will not be televised. Many won't even know it is coming, even though for many others it will not be a surprise.


  1. Anonymous5/20/2016

    I hope that there is some inbuilt mechanism in our DNA that will help us change. Compassion, community, friendship and simplicity are important qualities. It's sad that human beings are capable of so much but settle for so little. It's taken our species thousands of years to move away from the slave cultures. Our culture creates many illusions such as consumption via the mass media. The one huge edifice that enables this destructive way of living to maintain it's power is that it is built upon an illusion and it's trick is that's so pervasive - that we think it's normal to have huge hospitals full of sick people, we think the natural countryside is a sheep ravaged apocalypse, to turn on the TV and fill our brains with garbage and buy stuff in vast empty shopping centres. If it all goes down so be it, but I will keep living the only way I know how right to the end. Alex

    1. The people seem convinced that our system can't operate in any other way besides the way it is right now. There is a real lack of imagination, creativity and curiosity. When we overcome the Illusion of Separation everything changes. That is what will save us.

      Seeing though the illusion is a struggle since there is virtually no support to pursue this avenue, and anyone that does is attacked as an airy-fairy dreamer out of touch with "reality" . We need more dreamers.

      Right to the end... of our current reality, and the beginning of the next phase in the development of the Universe. We are on our way back to The One.

    2. Anonymous5/21/2016

      Can I just say thanks for this blog, a rare place where people can question the status quo. I'm starting to see little shoots of awakening here and there. Someone out of the blue mentions cowspriacy,the impressive rise of veganism in the UK and people asking whether I could teach them to meditate. It's a trickle, but hopefully it will turn into a stream of awakening. The old teachers such as zhuangzi, Wang chongyang and ryokan point the way to our empty but complete practice. Alex

    3. Although we are hearing very little about all the protests going on globally right now, the people are mobilizing. Those not hitting the streets are changing their lives in small ways, leading toward awakening to the gravity of our situation. Once we reach a tipping point things could change quickly.

      Thanks for participating and adding so much here. I will be looking up some of the old teachers you mentioned.

  2. Anonymous5/20/2016

    Most people I know are living their lives as if the earth and it's resources are there for them and them alone. I know there are people all over the world working to make a difference, but I just don't think it's going to be enough. My husband and I were recently talking about the changes we've seen and what might happen in the future. I would like to prepare, but it's hard when you don't know which disaster will come first. We've talked many times about moving to Oregon, but between forest fires, radiation from Japan and coast lines that will probably change dramatically in coming years, I don't think we'll take that chance. We'll probably stay in Michigan where we're surrounded by fresh water and few natural disasters.

    1. Anonymous5/20/2016

      I live in Oregon, have all my 50+ years. Lovely here, but the whole Cascadia Subduction Zone, which will one day produce an earthquake so large most of western Oregon will be changed forever, has me looking at alternative places. Eastern Oregon won't feel the earthquake so much, but it's hot and dry there. Michigan - with fresh water and few natural disasters - sounds wonderful. What general area of Michigan are you in? Would love to know, if you are comfortable with saying. -- Mary

    2. Anonymous5/20/2016

      Mary - My husband and I took a cross country road trip during college and drove down the coast of Oregon. I've been in love with the area ever since. It's magical. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It's also a magical area. I'm about 25 minutes from Lake Michigan. It's quite a growing area, you should check it out if you're thinking about moving.

    3. The denial runs deep, but the zombie status will be harder to maintain as we go along. Preparing for change is a good idea. Linda and I didn't think that the west coast was the place to do that, as much as we loved it there.

  3. That's a race I won't be at the start for !

  4. Anonymous5/21/2016

    I'm with Alex- "If it all goes down so be it, but I will keep living the only way I know how right to the end."


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