April 20, 2012

Liebster Love

Ahem - tap, tap. Is this thing on?

On April 8th NBA was awarded a Liebster Blog Award. It is an award bloggers give to blogs they think are worthy of merit. It is a way to promote blogs you like, and help create links through the blogging community.

With over 70 million blogs out there, it is also a good way to introduce more of the 2.5 billion Internet users to worthy smaller blogs.

Now, I am not sure if NBA is of superior quality, or even particularly good. However, whether it is an award, or a comment left in response to a post, it is really great to get feedback from readers. Positive feedback is especially nice.

Other guidelines for the Liebster are:

1. Link back to the nominator.

NBA was given the Liebster Award by the family bloggers at Clamco. Their fine blog is diverse and creative - treasures and little bits of beauty can be found there.

2. Nominate other small blogs.

There are so many deserving blogs, including all those I follow (some of which are on the NBA Blog Roll on the sidebar), but today I give the nod, and some Liebster Love, to the following:

    * Peak Energy: An Australian blog that features posts about peak oil, global warming, and sustainable energy solutions. Tons of excellent information here.

    * Ditch Your Fridge: This is a green blog that starts with a radical idea: living without a fridge. It shows that not only is it possible, but in many ways is better.

    * Dreams You Dare To Dream: Another green blog, but one with geographical significance - it is in my locality. It is about living minimally and lightly upon the earth. Could you get by with only 100 things? That is the dream.

I enjoy creating NBA along with Linda (editor, proof-reader, and simple living co-participant), and it is gratifying for us to know that someone, anyone, is enjoying it.

With the help of readers, and fellow bloggers like those at Clamco, we are moving toward our goal of hosting 350,000,000 people at our little blog.

Our simple mission is to share what we have learned about breaking free from endless working and consuming. Along the way we hope to help make a better, more rational and enjoyable world.

We are humbled by this award, your comments, and the time you take to read our thoughts and ideas on our Not Buying Anything Blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  1. Awesome!!! (standing ovation)

  2. Anonymous4/20/2012

    NBA has become one of my favorite blogs. I hope this recognition will bring you new readers. Thank you for mentioning other blogs that may be of interest. I'll be checking them out as well.

  3. Anonymous4/21/2012


    I have found your website helpful in reducing my purchasing of things I don't need & clearing things out.

    1. Hooray! That is what I like to hear.

  4. Way to go on this well deserved award.
    Happy Earth Day to you and Linda!

  5. Aww - you folks are great. Thanks! Have a piece of cake.


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